Love, Sunshine and the Summer Wedding Dress
Ah, the summer sunshine, synonymous with strawberries and cream, Pimms and lemonade, freshly cut grass and days at the beach. There’s nothing we love more than the hotly anticipated summer holidays that to many is their favourite part of the year. Although each season brings something special, unique and beautiful, deciding when to have your wedding becomes an integral part to your planning and especially if you have chosen an outdoor service and celebration.

Celebrate summer in a Caroline Castigliano wedding dress – dress design in image is Katia
We have met a few disadvantages to having a wedding day in the summer, but there are so many advantages to having your special day in the warmer months. Firstly, the weather tends to be more consistent, friends and family have time off to attend your wedding and you can wear a wedding dress without the need for a coat.
A few reasons to celebrate a summer wedding:
Friends and Family
Try schedule your wedding during the middle of summer, as this is the time your guests with school going children will likely be taking holiday or find it easier to take leave from work and other commitments as they tend to plan spending family holiday time together during these months. Taking time out for your wedding becomes easier and more convenient than the autumn, winter and spring months.
The Weather is More Consistent
For most parts of the country, summer can be considered a more dependable time for the weather. Spring, although beautiful and fresh, can bring unpredictable cold fronts, showers and high gusts of wind. Autumn can be splendid with the changing in colour of the leaves, but your day can easily be spoilt with low-lying mist and fog. Sometimes autumn has unpleasant cold wind factors too. Winter weather is not only difficult for the wedding party but for guests too. Roads may become icy, with sometimes-early snowfalls and for guest having to travel could face problems with delays due to bad weather.
Therefore, the summer months do tend to be more consistent. While you can’t always plan on the perfect glorious sunshine day, you can rely on average warmer temperatures during these months and one thing you will want for your wedding is a better than average chance of a decent day.
An Outdoors Wedding Becomes an Option
Many couples would love to celebrate their wedding outdoors. Can you imagine your wedding at cocktail hour and dinner held on a terrace over looking the vale, woods, waters, flowers, mountains, beach sunset or beautiful garden? At most times, many wedding guests will appreciate the splendour to celebrate outdoors.
The Bouquet of Flowers
Between June and August, there are so many flower varieties at their best that are not so easily available throughout the rest of the year. Buying flowers out of season can be very expensive due to shipping and greenhouse costs. A bridal bouquet in the summer can take advantage of many more flowers available in bloom.

Summer wedding bouquet – Caroline Castigliano wedding dress Heaven with Carmel beaded belt
The wedding dress
An outdoor wedding becomes an option for your summer wedding with the warm sunshine and a Caroline Castigliano wedding dress. Getting married between June and August, could mean you will have a wider collection of wedding dresses to choose from – strapless gowns, knee and calf length dresses, and strappy shoes all become an option for you. The fashion of the summer season also opens the groom and his party to alternatives like linen and lighter colour and weight suits.
Celebrating your love with the warm sun shining overhead gives the day a happy feeling, and, with the sun staying out much later giving us longer days leaving more time for festivities to last late into the evening, making it unforgettable.